What to do here...

First of all I would advise anyone who is thinking about living here to come and stay for a week. When you come make sure it's not a holiday week either. We tend to have a good time on the Northern Neck on the Holiday weekends (espically summer Hollidays). If you come during this time you will no doubt have a blast however you will get a false since of everyday activity activity. A normal week is very slow paced usually Highlighted by a couple of visits to one of your favorite restaurants. There are many many restaurants in the area to choose from, you could probably eat at a different one everyday for 2 months if you so liked. If you like to fish or boat then you have come to the right place and you should fit right in. Being that we have water on 3 sides of us, the blue stuff is a way of life here. No matter where you are on the Northern Neck you are never more than 10 minutes away from a marina. There are many antique stores in the area, as well as artists, wineries, and Golf courses. Garden Week is popular in the Northern Neck. You can visit these links to get a better idea of what you can expect. www.northernneck.org , www.quintonoaks.com , and one of the most popular resorts on the east coast www.the-tides.com I hope you enjoy your stay.
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