Homes and land prices and pictures
Here is a basic rundown of what you can get for your money here in the Northern Neck
Real Estate Market.
For houses I posted those with 3Bedrooms and 2+1/2 baths, a pretty standard request from my clients.
All homes below have 3 BR and 2+1/2 Baths.
Ok here we go..
Here is an Off-Water home for $239k with 1640 S.F.

Here is a Off-Water home for $545k with 2000 S.F.

Now we get to why people love this area so much. THE WATERFRONT!!!!!!
This home is on the water and lists for $409k with 1769 SF

This home is on the water and lists for 1.3Million with 3650 SF

Of course if you would rather build your custom home on a waterfront lot we have plenty of those also...
Here is a lot for $109K. This lot is 1.3 acres with less than 2 feet of depth.

And here is a lot for $560K. It is 1.5 acres with about 5 feet of water depth.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me an email. you can find my email address on my website.